do you really need the extra insurance?

  • A Guide For Engineers Getting Liability Insurance

    10 December 2020

    Engineers make a lot of structures, including bridges and buildings. A lot of liability is involved in making these structures, which is why it's a good idea to get liability insurance if you have this profession. Getting it will be easier to do if you take a look at this guide. Identify Risks Before Getting a Policy You want the liability insurance policy you get to be beneficial for your engineering practice because otherwise, you're just wasting money.

  • Avoid Costly Risks: Why You Need To Get Insurance For Your Business

    11 November 2020

    Do you have insurance for your business? If not, you are missing out on something that can protect you from various risks. Different problems can arise throughout the years while you are operating your business. Some of these problems could cost you a ton of money, causing you to lose out on much of the profit you are bringing in from running your business in the first place. If you would like to protect yourself and the company you have, get business insurance.

  • 3 Things To Know About Continuing Education Requirements For Insurance Agents In New York

    13 October 2020

    If you live in the state of New York, and you work as an insurance agent, you need to take continuing education courses to maintain your licenses. These courses are designed to make sure that you have the most relevant and current information so you can perform the duties of your job correctly. #1: Continuous Education Hours Do Not Carry Over You are required to complete a certain number of continuing education (CE) hours every two years based on the type of license that you hold.

  • Did Your Insurance Rates Spike? What To Do Next

    11 September 2020

    While auto insurance is a necessity, you don't want to pay more than you have to for it. However, it is pretty common for increases to occur. More often than not, inflation is a huge reason for the increase in premiums. However, another reason that your rates could increase is you and the way you drive. If you would like to find out why your insurance rates increased and what you can do to reduce your overall costs, keep reading.

  • 4 Good Reasons For Home Insurance

    10 August 2020

    If you own a home, then you want to be sure you carry home insurance. You will have to carry it while you are still paying on the home, as it will be a stipulation in the contract. However, you still want to carry home insurance even after you fully own the home and it has been paid off. Here are four good reasons you want to be sure you carry home insurance on your home: 

  • What To Know About Offering Group Health Insurance To Employees

    13 July 2020

    Employers who meet certain requirements must offer health insurance plans to their employees, and even employers who don't meet these requirements can still make a plan available to workers. If you run a business, here's what you need to know about group health insurance, your business, and your employees. Businesses That Fail to Provide Health Insurance May Face Penalties The Affordable Care Act requires that businesses with 50 or more employees make health insurance available to their employees through a group health insurance plan that at least meets the minimum requirements of the act.

  • 3 Common Reasons People Switch Auto Insurance Companies

    2 June 2020

    Automobile owners are required to carry auto insurance in most states, but the good news is that there are a lot of options when it comes to insurance companies that offer auto insurance policies. If you own an automobile, you are free to select an auto insurance company, and you can switch auto insurance companies at any time. While many people buy an auto insurance policy from an insurance company and continue to renew the same policy year after year, there are situations where switching auto insurance companies can be a good idea.

  • 5 Benefits Of Purchasing Home Insurance

    2 February 2020

    If you own a home, you want to make sure that you always do your best to protect it and care for it. This means more than just keeping up with general maintenance. You can also invest in home insurance so that you have help if something serious goes wrong. You don't want to be without a home or in serious debt because of repair needs. Here are some of the benefits of purchasing home insurance.

  • Have To Get An SR-22? How To Save On Car Insurance

    10 January 2020

    Getting hit with an SR-22 penalty can be tough. The SR-22 is essentially a Certificate of Financial Responsibility which is filed with the state government. It is required when you must prove that you carry car insurance. You may have been told by a traffic court judge that you must file an SR-22 because you were convicted of drunk or reckless driving, were caught without car insurance, or any number of other traffic-related offenses.

  • 3 Tips To Help Lower Your Automobile Insurance Premiums

    5 December 2019

    Do you feel like you pay too much to insure your vehicle? Are you wanting something more affordable so that you have more money to pay off your holiday spending debt? For many people, the two biggest chunks out of their budget go towards paying rent and paying for insurance. While there may not be much you can do about your rent unless you move somewhere else, there are some things you may be able to do about your insurance to make the cost lower.