25 September 2018
Some drivers find that they are required by the state to carry an SR-22 filing. This can happen because of a DUI, car accident in which you're not insured or because of various other things. These are some of the steps that will help you abide by this requirement during the period that you must have an SR-22 filing. Make Sure Your Insurance Company Offers SR-22 Filings First, be aware that not all insurance companies offer SR-22 filings for their customers.
23 July 2018
If you purchase a second car that is older and not very expensive, you may wonder if you should carry full-coverage insurance on the vehicle. Before you decide whether you should or should not have full-coverage, you should consider the following things. The difference between full-coverage and liability insurance Full-coverage insurance offers protection for you if you cause an accident that leaves damage to your own car. The insurance company would pay for you to get the repairs you need.
6 June 2018
Whether you're moving to the next state over or from one coast (or border) of the country to the other, you should do everything possible in advance to ensure that you have a safe trip. That includes making sure you have plenty of emergency supplies, a current roadside assistance subscription, and of course plenty of insurance to cover any eventuality. Here are three common insurance problems to head off before you head out.
12 April 2018
One of the things you'll need to do if you own a home is ensuring it is well maintained. Doing this will allow the value to remain high and keep your comfortable in your living space, as well. It's important to have the right amount of home insurance in place in case a catastrophic situation was to arise. Knowing specific things, you can do that will decrease the cost of your coverage is sure to be helpful.
2 March 2018
Buying home insurance is one of the most important parts of purchasing a house. You just never know when something will happen so it's best to protect yourself by having the insurance intact. If you're in the market for home insurance, you might be looking for a few ways to make it a bit more affordable for you. Keep reading to find out how to get the best rate on your next home insurance policy.
26 January 2018
Are you starting off with a small wedding photography business? You may think that all you need is a camera to get going, but that could not be further from the truth. It is important to have insurance for your business, even if it is starting off small with very few clients. Here are some reasons why it will help to have business insurance. Personal Injury Protection Even a basic wedding video setup requires a bit of equipment.
17 November 2017
Term life insurance policies have become increasing important in estate planning, especially for those of limited economic means. The following are three ways they may be able to help you. To not be a burden on family members If you don't have much wealth, at least not enough to cover your funeral expenses, a term life policy may be a good idea. There are life insurance policies that are designed to pay for your expenses that are incurred after you die.
29 July 2017
Worker's compensation insurance is designed to cover the cost of employee medical bills and other costs in the event that they get hurt. As a business owner, it is important for you to have this coverage for a few reasons; for one thing, you might be required by law to do so. Secondly, you probably want to make sure that your employees are protected and that their costs are covered if they do get hurt on the job.
24 June 2017
Auto insurance is absolutely necessary in more ways than one. It is required by law in most states, and it can be integral if you are ever in an auto accident. You want to make sure that you have sufficient coverage to help you in your time of need, but you do not want the insurance monthly payment to be so high that it spreads you too thin financially. It can be tricky trying to find the best coverage for the lowest price, but there are a few different things that you can do that will help lower your monthly payments to the insurance company.
11 May 2017
When you purchase home insurance for your house, the insurance company will base your premiums on a lot of different factors. While there are some you can control, there are other factors relating to your house and area that will affect your rates that you have no control over. Here are some of the factors relating to your house that may affect the amount you pay for your home insurance coverage.