13 July 2020
Employers who meet certain requirements must offer health insurance plans to their employees, and even employers who don't meet these requirements can still make a plan available to workers. If you run a business, here's what you need to know about group health insurance, your business, and your employees. Businesses That Fail to Provide Health Insurance May Face Penalties The Affordable Care Act requires that businesses with 50 or more employees make health insurance available to their employees through a group health insurance plan that at least meets the minimum requirements of the act.
2 June 2020
Automobile owners are required to carry auto insurance in most states, but the good news is that there are a lot of options when it comes to insurance companies that offer auto insurance policies. If you own an automobile, you are free to select an auto insurance company, and you can switch auto insurance companies at any time. While many people buy an auto insurance policy from an insurance company and continue to renew the same policy year after year, there are situations where switching auto insurance companies can be a good idea.
2 February 2020
If you own a home, you want to make sure that you always do your best to protect it and care for it. This means more than just keeping up with general maintenance. You can also invest in home insurance so that you have help if something serious goes wrong. You don't want to be without a home or in serious debt because of repair needs. Here are some of the benefits of purchasing home insurance.
10 January 2020
Getting hit with an SR-22 penalty can be tough. The SR-22 is essentially a Certificate of Financial Responsibility which is filed with the state government. It is required when you must prove that you carry car insurance. You may have been told by a traffic court judge that you must file an SR-22 because you were convicted of drunk or reckless driving, were caught without car insurance, or any number of other traffic-related offenses.
5 December 2019
Do you feel like you pay too much to insure your vehicle? Are you wanting something more affordable so that you have more money to pay off your holiday spending debt? For many people, the two biggest chunks out of their budget go towards paying rent and paying for insurance. While there may not be much you can do about your rent unless you move somewhere else, there are some things you may be able to do about your insurance to make the cost lower.
30 October 2019
Do you need to purchase home insurance, but are worried about what it is going to cost you? If so, it helps to know what factors determine your home insurance premium. Do You Have An Auto Policy? One thing to consider is if you have a vehicle and if it is insured with your home insurance provider. Many insurance companies offer a discount for having all of your policies bundled with the same company.
22 September 2019
A home that is not adequately protected with insurance can be a major liability, but this is a mistake that is often made by both new and experienced homeowners. Often, this is the result of failing to effectively understand homeowner's insurance, which can prevent a person from maximizing the protection that it offers them. Will Homeowner's Insurance Always Pay For Hotels If You Must Vacate For Repairs? Following major damages to the home, it is common for the occupants of the house to be forced to vacate the structure so that repairs can be completed.